Carisha is a Dallas, Texas area artist that strives to create art and home decor that transforms spaces. Her catalog of services for companies and clients alike for the past decade have spanned from interior decorating and home staging, to creating and designing home decor and fine art. A former public school teacher and coach, Carisha started her company in 2013 with a $5,000 investment and a prayer. For 8 years she successfully owned and operated her company Ahava Home and her artwork and designs even landed on the shelves of some of the world’s premier luxury home goods retailers, Nordstrom and West Elm, as well as most recently at Nebraska Furniture Mart.
In 2021, she decided to rebrand, simplify her company and to move from the busy hustle and bustle of designing all around town back to more of what she enjoys doing the most- creating.
“In the words of a business woman I so admire, Kendra Scott, “Focus on what works. And do that thing well.” I was tired of trying to do everything. I missed just creating. I was being pulled in so many different directions as a designer and it wasn’t fun anymore. Life is too short to not love what you do. I just want to paint, create and enjoy life. And that’s what I decided to do.”
-Carisha Davis-
“What I love in art is that it takes known combinations and reorders them in a way that sheds light on something that they have never seen before or allows them to consider the world in a slightly different way. Artists provide questions, not answers. We provide provocations rather than fully formed objects.”
— Kehinde Wiley
Multidisciplinary Artist
Commercial and Residential Interior Designer
Art Educator- K-12 and Adult